Prato allo Stelvio (German: Prad am Stilfser Joch) is a small town with 3.300 inhabitants located in Venosta Valley (German: Vinschgau) in South Tyrol, Italy. Although the official name “Prato allo Stelvio” suggests a location near to the Stelvio Pass, the town is situated 20 km far away from it, at 900 meters above sea-level, in the lower part of the fertile Venosta Valley at the entrance between Solda Valley and Trafoi Valley. The whole area lies in the fascinating Stelvio National Park. For those who love sport activities and culture there is a lot of places of interest to discover:
- The St. Johannkirche, a Roman church;
- The St. Georgkirche situated in Augumes: a gothic church with a 4 meters huge stone cross called “Great Lord” (German: Grosser Herrgott);
- The parish church “Queen Maria”: founded in the 50s of the 20th century and realized with side altars by the artist Hans Ebensperger from Prato;
- Aqua Prad: a place of local flora and fauna;
- Prader Sand: a wide naturalistic area with a lush vegetation;
- The Castle ruins situated in Montechiaro (German:Lichtenberg);
- St. Kristina church: a small Roman church located in Montechiaro (German:Lichtenberg)
Prato allo Stelvio is the starting point for those who love walking, hiking, biking, skiing and for families who prefer a relaxing holiday close to the nature.